In September, it will be nineteen years since we moved my dad out here from Florida. I had left home for college at seventeen. He had come back full boar into my life at thirty-four. We had a seventeen year gap of infrequent interactions. A lot happens in seventeen years. I'd done a lot of growing up. My dad's world got rocked by my mom's development and eventual succumbing to early-onset Alzheimer's. There was a lot for us to navigate through during those early California years. I was learning how to be a mom and an adult daughter. He gave up some freedoms and I took on more responsibilities. Sometimes, neither one of us did it that gracefully.
Having my dad an eight minute drive away for fourteen of those nineteen years has been a blessing. He saw a lot of Little League games and both of his grandsons' middle school graduations. He's celebrated their academic successes; he's been there for each baptism, first communion, altar serving, and for Tommy's confirmation. We go to church and dinner with him every Saturday. He knows people all over town - more than we do. The day he stops flirting with women is the day I know he's not well. I think he'd rather socialize than eat.
He makes us laugh, both on purpose and by accident. My sons mimic him with love. It warms my heart when I see them walk with him and steady him. My husband is always quick to help him out and to tease him. His heart is filled with joy, his mind with trivia, a song he "dee-dee-dees" slightly off-key is often on his lips as we drive off somewhere. He will tell me all about a lady he just met, but forget to mention that he hasn't gotten his television to work for two days. He is positive, he doesn't complain. He lights up when he has all three of his grandsons near at Christmastime.
My dad turns 90 years old today. I can't really fathom how much he's seen change (positive and negative) in society over the years. I do know he holds those he loves dearly, he's happy to eat chocolate at any time of day, he misses my mom very much. I am grateful and humbled that we get to witness and celebrate this milestone. Happy 90th birthday, Edward Joseph Christopher Lantos.
He makes us laugh, both on purpose and by accident. My sons mimic him with love. It warms my heart when I see them walk with him and steady him. My husband is always quick to help him out and to tease him. His heart is filled with joy, his mind with trivia, a song he "dee-dee-dees" slightly off-key is often on his lips as we drive off somewhere. He will tell me all about a lady he just met, but forget to mention that he hasn't gotten his television to work for two days. He is positive, he doesn't complain. He lights up when he has all three of his grandsons near at Christmastime.
My dad turns 90 years old today. I can't really fathom how much he's seen change (positive and negative) in society over the years. I do know he holds those he loves dearly, he's happy to eat chocolate at any time of day, he misses my mom very much. I am grateful and humbled that we get to witness and celebrate this milestone. Happy 90th birthday, Edward Joseph Christopher Lantos.